Facing Climate Change: Everyday Actions for a Global Impact

The perception of climate change has evolved significantly over time, shifting from being a topic of debate with divided opinions to a reality accepted by the scientific community and evidenced by extreme phenomena such as heatwaves, floods, and droughts. These events have not only changed our perception but have also driven a shift in individual and collective behavior towards adaptation and mitigation of its effects.

The “Sustainability Barometer” by MINTEL CONSULTING, conducted in 2023, highlights how awareness of climate change has grown among Spaniards, with a 6% increase in the perception of its effects since 2021. This shift in perception is reflected in the identification of tangible issues such as air quality and water scarcity, and in the recognition of the importance of adopting sustainable practices in daily life.

The response to this climate crisis varies depending on social, economic, and cultural contexts and is influenced by access to resources and information. Despite this, an increasing number of people understand that their individual actions can make a positive difference for the environment.

Among individual actions, the use of paper bags stands out as a significant sustainable practice, thanks to the ability of forest plantations to capture CO2. In Spain, plantations intended for paper production play a vital role in climate regulation, capturing 57 million tons of CO2, equivalent to emissions from 24.8 million registered vehicles in the country. This process not only reduces the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere but also turns paper products into long-term carbon deposits.

The interaction between paper production and CO2 capture is remarkable. It has been demonstrated that for every kilogram of paper manufactured, approximately 1.3 kilograms of CO2e can be captured and stored throughout its lifecycle, including in subsequent recycling stages. Furthermore, cellulose fiber, the raw material of paper, has the capacity to be recycled up to 14 times, maintaining throughout its cycle the ability to retain the CO2 captured during its natural growth phase.

It is essential to promote education and awareness about the importance of climate action and how everyday actions can contribute to mitigating its effects. The adoption of sustainable decisions in our daily lives demonstrates that it is possible to have a significant global impact, advancing towards a greener and more sustainable future.